A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Petunia Pretty

So, I was sat here in the dining room, casually contemplating my next blip-move, when I looked out the window and spotted a flash of pink peering through a gap among the green in the backgarden.


So...I grabbed the camera (still USB connected to the computer - woops) and headed outside, sans footwear. So began the adventure. Behind the greenhouse. Across a somewhat overgrown veg patch. Discerning nettles from non (a risky job, I tell you). A jump onto the garden wall. Careful bum-shuffling along said garden wall. Narrowly avoiding a palm-to-poo incident (birds!). 5 minutes contorting into weird positions to stay on the wall, dodge sticky green plant thing (that has too many names to remember) to take picture. Repeat process in reverse.

Proceeding to wonder round the back garden...and then the front...and finding further pretty flowers to take pictures of.

And choose one of the last pictures I took to upload. Just because the colours are bright.

Figures :]

However, I did learn the name of the man-hunt flower (phlox of some kind) and the flower in the picture is a petunia.

Next on the list, figure out what this is called.

Lovely wee trip over to Coed-y-Dinas for lunch (no unnecessary purchases this time) and then Welshpool (the no-purchase triumph did not continue into the bookhop).

Where has the sun gone??

To-do list, let's be having you!

I still like white flowers best.

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