Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics


Well I made it through! Phew! See that big hangy-downy-thingy in the upper left? That's not supposed to be there. This is the meniscus in my knee and the torn part. The doc removed that and all the little 'hairy' things in the other pics too. Said I had a lot of arthritis in that knee too (both of them actually) and that I will be a candidate for knee replacement in the future. :-( We're talking way in the future I hope. What was only supposed to be half a day in there lasted many hours. I waited 4 hours just to get into surgery. That lasted 34 minutes. Then the recovery room time while I was waking up, then back to the short stay room for a while. We got there before 8 a.m. and left at 3:30 p.m. Long half day if you ask me. On top of all that I had a migraine too. They at least, tried to help me with that, and it did diminish some but wasn't totally gone until I got out of surgery. I guess those drugs were the better ones! Back blipped this. Hope I can take a pic of something today. Need to keep my knee elevated and some ice on it. It's not elevated while I'm on the computer, so will have to catch up with commenting later. Thanks to all for your well wishes.

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