A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Back to photographing Salford Quays


Wish I could say I'm slowly settling back into work after a week off - but it's as busy as ever. So I broke up my day by seeing the Warhol exhibition at the Lowry which is pretty good. I was more impressed by the photographs also on display by Nadav Kander (wiki.).
To say I've an interest in a photographer's work on a website like blip should come as no surprise.

A good walk for an hour or so after work led to me taking a lot of photos. I think I like about five of them. And I decided to blip this one. No cropping required for this image, I got literally as close to the water as I could without actually getting wet when I took this.

My photographic love affair with Salford Quays continues.

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