Writing down the lyrics

My car was returned from the garage today looking brand new. No scratches, no sweet wrappers on the back seat. It's been fixed and valeted

I cycled to work today and I wished I'd put something warmer on as it was really cold. I even forgot to take a jumper to work so I had to have the heating on in my room.

We had our end of year party and said our goodbyes to everyone who's retiring/moving to pastures new. It was nice to see some old colleagues who had retired a few years ago.

The cycle home was even colder. I returned to find the girls at home and not kayaking as they normally do on a Wednesday evening. They've got Daddy wrapped round their little fingers.

At bedtime, I found my daughter in bed with her ipod, stopping and starting so that she can write down the lyrics. I had a similar blip of my other daughter doing the same.

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