my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

The Game

The girls are at their dads tonight, no date for me..which I think was the right choice.

Came home and after channeling my dad for a bit (putting on the news and falling fast asleep in front of tv) I put on a few tunes while tidying up.

I heard some Echo and the Bunnymen while I was in Cask on Saturday night and maannn! they sounded good.

So got Spotifying and remembered this little gem. Strangly enough, I've never listened properly to the words before and somehow tonight they took on quite a bit of meaning to me. Songs do that don't they?

The Game

A sense of duty
was my one intention
and an ugly beauty
was my own invention
Pride a proud refusal
and I refuse
to need your approval
Too many seekers
Too few beacons
But through the fog
we'll keep on beaming

Through the crying hours
of your glitter years
all the living out
of your tinsel tears
and the midnight trains
I never made
'cos I'd already
played...the game

And it's a better thing
that we do now
forgetting everything
the whys and hows
While you reminisce
about the things you miss
you won't be ready
to kiss...goodbye

Echo & the Bunnymen ~ The Game

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