Definitely Visible

By allieballie

The Bletherin' Wa'

Car in for a service today so took the bus to Pillars of Hercules and walked through Falkland Estate to the village via the Wa'.

I thought this was called the Walkin' Wa', and I never understood why - it feels that it ought to be called the Talkin' Wa' as it contains 23 Scots words carved into stones along the length of it. However I stopped in at the Estate office today to buy some information books and in one of the leaflets that I picked up, it says to look out for the Talking Stanes, so now I am all confused about what this Wa' should be called. As "Bletherin" is one of the words carved along it, my new name for it is going to be The Bletherin' Wa'!

"Plowterin" is another one of the words, and means to wade or splash through water or mud. I love the sound of it - very onomatopoeic!

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