Old Guy & The Sea

By oldguy

Pretty Face

Challenge says she likes faces. I have been having issues with portraits. For me portraits are presenting great difficulty. I was involved in camera sales when I realized that photography is an art that cannot be done entirely by any photographer. Ansel Adams was a master scenic photographer. W. Eugene Smith was a master of people and both were masters of light and shadow.

I believe that between the white of the daisy and the dark background gives this flower an almost three dimensional effect. I went to a soft ball game at a local park, but sports wasn't quite it. I am back to experimenting with imagery to refind my niche.

Several people here have a kind of magic about their images that says they have a spark. Some here have fanned that spark into a bonfire and others have a spark and realize that they are telling us about a piece of their lives. I have seen some of the greatest images I have ever seen in the 45 years I have been shooting images since I joined Blipfoto. Everyone keep putting fuel on that fire. Photography is an experimental art.

I have great respect for the masters of photography. Looking at their images just speaks their names. They don't have to sign them. Their images are signed with their pure essence. I have seen the same thing here.

Challenge is one of my heroes.

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