Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Getting Organized (cont.)

When I was working, I had to wear a suit or sport coat and a tie every day. Now I'm retired and living in laid-back Bellingham, the City of Subdued Excitement, where getting dressed up means a clean pair of jeans. OK, I'm exaggerating a little, but I still have a lot of clothes I don't wear very often. (Funny thing about leaving pants in a closet for too long -- they shrink.) I use covers over the hangers to keep the dust off and even though they're clear plastic, it's hard to distinguish between black and navy in the darkest depths of the closets, and I couldn't keep track of what I had.

I didn't realize how disorganized things were until I did an inventory prior to planning for the next big trip. When we're in Paris we'll need to dress a bit more formally than we do in La France Profonde.

I made labels from old file folders, punched holes in them and threaded string through the holes after printing them using my computer. Now I don't have to take things out of the closet to identify them. I wish I'd done this years ago.

Another gold star from C!

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