It's a Dan's Life...

By dans1977uk

Social animal...

After a long day in the office, as today has been, I enjoy popping into my local for a pint and a chat on the way home. As I prepare for my move West with the beautiful one I think this part of my life is drawing to a close and a new chapter beginning - inane banter and a pint are an attractive choice after a day's work but getting home to the arms and company of the woman I love will win every time.

Perhaps the empty pub reflected in today's blip emphasises how my journey is continuing and to really get the most out of my future I need to accept what is soon to be in the past without yearning for it but appreciating how it has contributed to the person I am today who to my constant amazement appears remarkably well liked and loved.

You can only ever move forward - grabbing onto the past will just give you friction burns!!


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