Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Home Sweet Home....For now.....

What a fab holiday....back blips are up if you fancy a look..........Today's Blip is the view from the plane this morning as we left sunny Portugal.

It was a brilliant relaxation and the weather was awesomely hot so we all came back a lovely colour. Roll on next year!

So, home to my gorgeous boys and tomorrow we are off on another holiday!! Mr G has friends who are camping at Woolacoombe. So he has borrowed a friends camper van and we are meeting them there tomorrow. We have plans to buy a camper so it is a good trial run for us.

I was home for 3pm and have already been shopping, done 2 washes, packed for leaving early in the morning and Blipped the missing days. I feel pooped!! I am off to see the In-Laws to drop a present to them as it was their holiday home we stayed in.

I will endeavour to catch up with all your Blips later and tomorrow.

PS - My camera is awesome and I lurrrrvvvveeee it :)

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