Odd offerings out & about

By roymci


This is always the hardest week of the year - going back to work after summer break. I got home tonight and the girls have been tidying the garden so that's good and when I get in, they want to pamper me by getting the Snow Grouse we bought on Monday out of the freezer & I'm not averse to that. The downside is Weatherseal are coming to visit to price up our last non-doubleglazed window and, by past experience, that's a whole evening written off. Melly has planned to Bar-b-q but Nathan has gone to Burntisland with 3 friends and is just setting off to return so he's scheduled to arrive back as our double glazing salesman turns up. There's no food yet and the girls don't like the snow grouse so I've helped out by "tidying up" their ones and, on an empty stomach, am now feeling very holiday chilled. Can't decide whether to find a bottle of holiday Sol or some bread before the hard sale begins.

Hopefully Friday will be quiet anyway :)

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