My happy little life

By khoola

Bad morning

Very bad start to my day. Should have know it wasn't going to be a good day when I was still wide awake at 1:30am. Should have known it was only going to get worse when Maddy woke me with a coughing fit at 3am. Worse again having to wash wet bedding as soon as I got up. Distinct downturn when my shower was interrupted by Jamie shouting that Maddy had been sick. Running downstairs, wet, trying to hold a towel around me and then discovering that the living room curtains were open, the school run were walking past, and maddy had not only thrown up down herself, but also all over the living room floor. And it was milk. Mixed with snot. But it didn't stop there. Oh no. Having cleaned up the vomit, managed not to expose myself to the school run, got maddy upstairs and cleaned, decided to leave her playing in the empty bath while I got clean. Came back to find her throwing her own excrement all over the bathroom, which she was also covered in. If I had a gas oven, my head would be in it. Unfortunately / fortunately my oven is electric, so instead I put sausage rolls, cheese straws and lemon drizzle cake in it. And now I'm off for a well deserved gin.....

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