All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cousins and Aunties

What a good day today!

6.30am wake up from Ethan so not great but not bad either.

Sun shining down for the begining of a glorious and hot day. I decided to walk to Ethan's swimming class for the first time - it only takes about 20 minutes so I don't know why I haven't done it before. The instructor got us all to use back floats on our toddlers today for the first time. We then had to pull them through the water using only one hand. Ethan wasn't too sure about this though as he kept panicking and grabbing both my hands ... until he spotted someone coming down the flume and pointed at them. He then forgot, for about a minute, that he was only holding one of my hands haha!

We walked back home via Debenhams and Sainsbury's - luckily Ethan fell asleep on the way, which is one of the reasons I'd decided to walk in the first place. Two of my sister-in-laws (Sarah & Amy) with 2 of my nieces (Millie & Ava) were coming over for lunch - they passed me on the hill 5 minutes from home. We all enjoyed lunch in my back garden - so nice to be able to eat outside and I think Ethan enjoyed having playmates to charge around the garden with too.

We then headed over to Almond Valley Heritage Centre and I took out another years membership. It was such a warm day and the place was so busy. Ethan loves it there but is obsessed with washing his hands in their troughs and insists on doing it over and over each time we walk past one. He then goes into meltdown for a few minutes when I drag him away!

When we got home, Granny & Grandpa had arrived. Granny had been busy doing my gardening and washing up! I think Ethan was really pleased to have more people to play with today and lapped up the attention they bestowed on them!

What a good day.

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