The Daily Bun

By pennybun

No 90: Greylag Goose

Today I did the final leg of the Sheffield Country Walk from Rother Valley Country Park to Eckington. 4.5 miles, with a mile at either end to the start and from the finish. A lovely day for it, and the walk was full of interest including loads of butterflies - I managed my first ever shot of a brimstone. Not a brilliant shot, but good enough for a record shot - red admirals, gatekeepers, meadow browns, i saw what was probably a grass snake slithering into the grass, and on the bird front, great crested grebes, cormorants, common terns, and as well as Canada geese, there was a good smattering of greylags, and I realised I've never actually got round to blipping one - so hey presto! 90 down, 10 to go to my hundred birds, and loads of time to do it in. But I shan't get complacent. Every bird blipped is one less available to be blipped.
Tonight I went to a reunion / celebration for a school I used to work in which is closing down to amalgamate with another school. I walked there as well, and half of the way back, so another 2.5 - 3 miles. Now I'm ready for my bed, so forgive me if I leave it till tomorrow to catch up with comments.

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