Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Sink wash

Reu had cranial facial clinic today, but not much information was to be had from it.

I love how with the summer, parent and me time at Callum's school is spent in the gorgeous playground underneath the pine trees (albeit that we have to ignore the huge construction project overhanging it... remember my 30 tree stumps Blip?). This week's theme is water play.

At circle time with Callum on my knee (he's stopped asserting his independence that he wants to sit on the floor next to me and I'm loving it again), he steps up to take his turn with "I want 3 little monkeys jumping on the bed" and it sounds like such a huge sentence amongst his peers who are learning to speak. I'm proud of his confidence. I've rather become used to the different ways this is expressed in the US as it doesn't sound quite right in the UK where we always use "Please may I have." In class, the words are accompanied by sign in the class and it's easy for the kids to express themselves pre-verbally through the simple sign of I want.

A few work tasks completed swiftly and that makes me feel good, but I just need to tackle a few older ones that just keep niggling...

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