Three sunny amigos

Yay the sun came out! I went through to Oxford to spend some quality time with Sott, Rory and Mum. We pottered around Oxford, which was horrendously busy so we soon ducked out and headed back to Scott's. All four of us hit a ball around with ping-pong bats, but I volleyed one ball onto the garage roof, never to be seen again in the dense vegetation covering it. I then batted another one into nextdoor's garden, and Scott deemed it irretrievable. Rory smacked a third ball to the other another neighbour's garden and possibly onto someone's head/drink. It caused a bit of hilarity and the ball was thrown back with a stern warning in a young girl's voice: "If you hit it over here again, you won't get it back." With that, all four of us went into silent, naughty giggles and decided that we'd better call it a day.

Zoe, Alfie and Zoe's brother Andy, and Boo the chihuahua came back home for tea and we chilled out until I had to catch the train home. Alfie is as cute as ever.

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