
By Saffi

Grain storage

Wessex Grain near Henstridge held an Open Evening with the invitation to look round their grain storage and also to applaud the opening of their new building which is to store 17,000 tonnes of corn. The evening was very pleasant meeting up with a few familiar faces but many farmers had come from as far away as Cornwall. There was a hog roast, free beer, strawberries and cream and icecreams. Adam Henson, the farmers' ambassador of the television media - as in Country File - cut the tape and gave a rousing speech. N, T, K and I chatted to him afterwards and he was very approachable, down to earth and positive about farming. The real problem for the livestock farmers was TB.

These two gleaming storage bins are also new, housing 2,000 tonnes of grain each. After the concrete foundations had set each bin took a day to build with a team of Polish builders supervised by an Australian!

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