The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Sair Fit

Poor Philip suffered the ultimate injustice on the last day of his holidays...we took the kids to the local swimming pool this afternoon and were having a great time until...he cut his foot open on a dodgy tile. It was, as they say in these here parts, pishing blood a'wye. He had to have it bandaged up and wrapped in a plastic bag until we made it down to the health centre for some butterfly stitches.

He's been told to keep off his foot for 24 hours (although has just admitted that the nurse declared it a "superficial cut" - much to his disappointment). According to Philip, this blood loss and shock means that I have to make him steak and chips for his supper and keep him topped up in red wine to help his painkillers work more effectively.

Honestly, it's like having four kids sometimes...

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