Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

the big 4 0

Mr Pink is 40 today. He's wearing his Angry birds birthday t-shirt and has eaten birthday fish and chips, and a piece of his birthday cake. Tomorrow we will celebrate with friends at his birthday party. Master Pink is VERY excited about the party. But we also have the school fair, and he's almost as excited about that!!

The day started with present opening. Followed quickly by the school run. Only one more week of reception class to go. I am feeling a little bit sad about that. Miss Pink and I tidied upstairs ready for the weekend as we have friends staying after the party. Well I tidied and Miss Pink played very nicely with Postman Pat.

this afternoon I spent at the hospital having a pre-op check over for the injection I will have in my spine in a few weeks. It was a very long winded appointment, but I did catch up on some magazines while I waited!

Home to the news that Master Pink had achieved his 5m swimming certificate, and will be moving up to the next group after this block of lessons finishes. Hooray and well done!

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