
By everydayness

A typical breakfast

I had real difficulties getting up this morning. Not sure whether it's due to sleep deprivation ... which just doesn't sound likely ... or whether it's due to too much wine that we had last night ... maybe a more likely cause ;)

Went to our new flat to discuss some construction plans. Literally one step closer to moving in. Later on during the day I went to chose the material for the new desk. All exciting stuff!

Back at home I treated myself to a late breakfast which usually consists of a bowl of yoghurt with fresh fruits, in this case fresh berries. Sometimes I even add some banana. Love it! Although the occasional Nutelly sandwich still finds its way onto my plate in the mornings.

Otherwise it was an OKish day spent working at home. Fought with PPT once more (I think whoever invented and developed Powerpoint did not like designers very much) ... not sure whether I won though. PPT has the funny habit of tricking you into believing that you won.

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