A year of adventure

By sjones

Lots of catching up to do

This picture is of mine and Patsi's dinner at Wagamama's tonight. It was really yummy. I've not seen Patsi properly for ages, as I've been so busy and so has she since I got back from Uni. I've know here since I was born and love to see her and catch up when I get home from Uni. We went out for dinner and then wandered around the shopping mall and I spent some of my birthday vouchers on clothes.

I saw my friend Laura earlier today too. It was lovely to catch up over coffee and chat about life. We realised we've known each other for nearly 10 years now, which is a long time given were only 21.

My Grandparents came down from Birmingham today to stay with us for a few days and I went out to lunch with them. It was lovely to see them and chat as the last few times they have visited I've been at Uni so I hadn't seen them in quite a while.

It's been a lovely day of catching up with people =].

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