My Montreal

By snaity

My gorgeous new foot!

I have had my very first tattoo done today, at the grand old age of ....., well we don't need to go there! I was told that on your foot was the most painful area you could do but I have to tell you, it really wasn't that terrible! Sure there were a couple of little bits that made me grit my teeth but they lasted seconds at the most and it was totally fine!
This gorgeous little fellow now proudly sits on the outside of my foot and his tail feathers curl around my ankle. On the end of the longer feathers you can see a little pinpoint of light, there are 3 of those, one for each of my boys. There are 3 small tail feathers too, 1 for each of my babies who never quite made it here.
I've always thought it was important that, even if it's not obvious to anybody else, a tattoo means something to you personally. A reason to mark yourself for life. I think my kids are a perfect reason.
As a side note, you have no idea how hard it is to photograph the side of your own foot whilst trying to get the right angle without looking down!

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