
By joe_cool

The B.B.

I was awake at 5:30 this morning, couldn't sleep anymore. It was -26C... a little frisky to say the least. I got dressed, had my usual breakfast and went outside.

This structure is the B.B. Not sure why it's called that... maybe it simply means Big Barn. It was erected in the late 1700s by Charles Robin who came from the Jersey Islands to start a fishing company.

As you can see, it has 20 windows and 8 doors, most of them double, on one side only. We're talking BIG SHED here!

At one point there were more than 120 buildings on the site. It was a small community with all the essential services. In 1964, all but a few were destroyed by fire. It is now a historical site, Le Site Historique du Banc de Paspébiac.

My blip of January 25th was a building from the same site. That small stone building was "La Poudrière" because it served as storage for the gun powder.

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