Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Tattoos make me happy

Don't have a lot to say today, despite the lovely news of Tuesday with my non-engagement. (By the way, thank you to those of you who left such sweet messages on Tuesday's blip. It's lovely to know the story touched people the way it did... And it wasn't just me being a sap.)

I did my first solo gig in six years on Wednesday night, after another rough day... And losing most of my voice... Which I required to sing. But the gig went well, and I have been asked to perform again when I can escape the duties of motherhood again.

Skip forward to today, and I have two new tattoos. My tenth and eleventh tattoos.
"Mes nerfs sera la morte de moi" (My nerves will be the death of me) around my right wrist relates to my anxieties, and wearing my heart on my sleeve... But also, my right arm is the one with the nerve damage... A constant numbness on the top half of my arm, and constant pins and needles underneath drive me a little mad. In that way, my nerves will be the death of me, too.
"Quid amicitiam? Unam animam in duobus corpibus." (What is friendship? A single soul in two bodies.) on the side of my left boob breast, over my heart. I think that's pretty self explanatory.

The endorphins rush from the new inkies has definitely helped lift my mood some.

So naturally, I had to share a photo of one of these new tattoos as my blip today. I'm not comfortable sharing the one on my boob breast, for fairly obvious reasons. And I've also discovered that taking photos of a wristband isn't exactly easy when it's your own wrist... On the side that normally presses the button on the camera. So I thought I'd show this in-progress photo instead. I love that it's not at all glamorous, and has some of my eighth tattoo in it, too.. And this particular tattoo was a BEAST. It took my poor, lovely tattooist nearly an hour to get the stencil right. He was swearing at it ("I'm going to swear at it til it works... It'll work eventually, and I'll feel better."), I was laughing at him, we were both voicing frustration. But sure enough, countless profanities later, he got it. Incidentally, the tattoo itself took only 35 minutes to get done. But even that process isn't as pretty as the end result. More ink ends up ON my skin, as opposed to IN it.

Next tattoo in three weeks. A biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig one. I'm already bursting with excitement.

Considering I said I didn't have much to say... I said an awful lot.

"You're on my heart just like a tattoo."
~ Tattoo - Jordin Sparks

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