Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK

A walk on the beach...

We drove to Westenschouwen (NL) to have a long walk along the beach and in the dunes. Driving there the sky became more grey by the minute. Bu the time we got there, we first had to find some rain gear for the girls as we only took their jeans jackets.
After that was sorted we parked the car and headed up and over the dunes to the beach. Normally you'd find that beach packed with people on a July Saturday. Now even the beach rescue team was packing up. So we had a great walk along a deserted beach and than walked back through the dunes. The girls are becoming really good walkers, not a whimper or complaint along the way (maybe the stack of strawberries and blue berries helped).
Completing the walk we all felt we deserved a hot drink - and the girls had a portion of "poffertjes" (= tiny pancakes)

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