My Life In Between

By chocopainaulat

Proof that the sun still exists

After sitting and staring at my computer screen for 10 hours and only coming up with 334 more words towards my 7000 target, my heart sinking, my panic rising, my self loathing confirming. I've done the ugly cry. I've waited for someone to rescue me and tell me I don't have to do it after all. It has been pouring, absolutely pouring with rain. And now the sun is looking glorious over my little part of South East London.
I must get back to writing. I need to finish this section of my essay tonight. I only have 2 more full writing days before hand in. It's not looking good. I will pull something out of the bag I know, but at the moment that has the possibility of being the booby prize.
By 2014 I will have finished my masters and I will never have to write an essay again.

Soon I will get back to having a Life In Between!

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