The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

A sticky web

The spider weaves a sticky web
To capture bugs to eat.
What keeps the spider's sticky web
From sticking to her feet?

Amy Goldman Koss

Not one for the arachnophobes, I'm afraid. But I couldn't resist this little spider illuminated by the brighter afternoon light. Her web looks a bit tatty, because it was catching flies faster than she could repair it. While I was there, two blundered into the sticky trap. I've saved you the images of her bundling them up in silk and hanging them in her larder.

The morning was one of pouring rain, but it brightened later in the day to allow a foray to Gait Barrows.

I've been feeling a bit under the weather all day, so may be a bit comment-light until tomorrow.

ps I've just realised that was my 200th consecutive entry, not sure how much longer I can keep this up.

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