paper lotus

My eldest daughter and I went out to a fab Thai restaurant tonight - we were celebrating...

It was lovely. However just in case I was tempted to forget that she is still a child - she knocked over her drink and insisted on saving her lotus napkin to take home!

Not so grown up after all - thank goodness!

Back to my bank rant - just when I thought they couldn't mess it up anymore, I received a phone call at home this afternoon that went like this:

"I believe that you are having a problem receiving an activation code for your on line banking?"
Me: "YES"
Bank - "Well I am here to sort it. Could you clear one thing up for me though, I can see that your bank is in Kendal but I am in Sunderland, did you open the account with us in Sunderland?"
Me: "No, I have never been there!"
Bank "I wonder why they rang me then?"
Me" "Do you think that when I said I banked at Kendal, they heard Sunderland - sounds awfully similar after all?" NOT
Bank - "Yes you are probably right, would you still like me to try and sort it for you?"

Well what would you say fellow blippers!!!!!!??????

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