Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


I found my feather again and decided to try and capture more of the detail this time. I then cropped it, converted to black and white and adjusted the midtones, highlights and shadows to try and make the details stand out a little better. I hope I've succeeded.

Today has been a bit strange. I seemed to spend the whole morning doing things but not really achieving an awful lot! This afternoon I went shopping - clothes and food and that was it really. The boys were in and out all day long. I heard the 'b' word several times and we haven't even broken up for summer yet!!! ('B' for 'bored' in case you're wondering - no swear words yet!!) I think that's why I've felt strange - it's almost as though we have broken up but we haven't - if you know what I mean? No? - me neither! I'll stop waffling and go to bed :-)

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