Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

A Fly with no Butter

Sometimes things conspire against us, both in life and in blipworld!
I've had a couple of tricky days in the real world, but was optimistic this morning that with the start of the Big Butterfly Count I would do a couple of surveys and post a stunning butterfly blip.

It rained, and rained, and rained, until late afternoon. I saw one scruffy meadow brown.

My choice of blips were:
1. A buddleia bush with no butterflies
2. A branch with no Red Kite - it took flight.

This evening the sky cleared, so the dog and I headed to the valley to capture the sunset.
So my blip is of course:
A fly with no butter

One the way back I saw a badger, bounding across the field, again I was far too slow with the camera, and got just one very distant shot.

Incidentally anyone can undertake a butterfly survey, just take 15 minutes in a sunny spot and count the numbers and species of butterflies you see. Any number of times until the end of the month. You can then download the results on the Big Butterfly Count website (LInked above)

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