While on my runs

By waipushrink

Their first game

Today I stayed home while S and her brother drove north to see their mother. The call of reports needed by the Courts this coming week. Broke off for a midday run, and got a few pictures which may have been blippable. Unfortunately, I remembered that the challenge topic for this week is family after I had left behind all the family groups walking to Eden Park for the rugby this afternoon.

Later, as I finished the first report daughter C rang and asked if I wanted a visit from the boys. Silly question. Of course I did. With Granny away and her iPhone with her, they had to share the iPad. One playing the games while the other and I did different things.

Then Young L found a travel chess set, and wanted to be shown how to play. So he and I moved pieces about and he very quickly remembered the names of the pieces and how they moved, especially that the knight has a different move and is the only one that can go over other pieces.

Chess quickly supplanted iPad in the attention of Mr H, and so they set up their men (correctly) and then started their first game together. It was interesting to watch, and I was impressed with their calm and lack of impatience with each other or the pieces. Both were disappointed when told it was time to go, and couldn't understand that some games of chess take not just hours but days. Young L, without prompting, started with a pawn move shortly after this period of contemplation.

This is my entry in this week's challenge, family

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