Shadows of home
These thistly things caught my eye yesterday and I had a shot planned for today, but wasn't sure of it coming off. It required sun on the stubble field behind the thistles, just at the point when the shadow of the tree above kept the thistles themselves dark. Happily, the clouds opened behind me just at the right time, and the field was duly bathed in sunshine.
Very quiet day today. Mr B deemed Conor too poorly to spend a morning at the MBH, so just slipped over there himself after Katherine's French lesson to take a few measurements and make sure all is in order for the plumber (cross those fingers) starting work tomorrow.
After an early (like before it was light) start worrying away at things in my head, I took to my bed for a quick nap and somehow slept away four hours of the day. Very refreshing, but not very productive. Since then there has been much washing, ironing, baking and cooking to make up for my slothful ways. More ironing awaits, in front of James Bond in French.
Tomorrow, a full day at the MBH (well, if you can call any day with a delightful and obligatory two hour lunch break 'full') and a dinner there in the evening to meet the neighbours and chat about the upcoming annual meeting - we are now part of a 'copropriete' sharing costs of common items like driveways and, more expensively, the sewage plant. I'm sure the front of our house falling where kids play the other day might come up... so I've baked brownies and hope that will make up for it.
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