Chocolate chops!!!

I couldn't wait to see my two horrors this morning. Yesterday I had the final part of my first aid course so am now a qualified first aider. It meant leaving the house by 8am and by the time I was home the children were already at my Mum and Dads for the night. Darren and I were gigging so they were staying over, we don't get home until 3am so it is too late to expected a sitter to be here and they love going to Grandma and Grandads. The gig was great and we really enjoyed it, a great crowd.
We were over Mums by 11am this morning and we had great big cuddles, I missed them so much. Stayed there for a while and then headed off for a food shop. Grandad had promised them an ice-cream so we bought them a chocolate one whilst out and they ate it in the car on the way home. I now have to wash their car seat covers and this was the state of their faces!!!

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