
By 5nations

It creeps up and then bites you in the arse.

Occasionaly I get the rare treat of shopping in the 'Pound' shop (!). They actually sell some o.k kiddies art stuff that isn't toxic, doesn't contain rusty razor blades and lasts longer than 1 minutes play.
This is Honors Paint your Own Note Book. She carefully painted it, let it dry for 6 hours, played with it and then mislaid it.
My good friend pointed out to me the last time I saw her that I had made a very 'Motherly' statement (I think it was soemthing like "if you put as much effort into ___________ as you do ___________ you'd get it done a lot quicker"). I made a quick note to self to NEVER do that again.
Today Honor was following me around the house moaning that she had looked everywhere for her note book and couldn't find it anywhere.
I did it again........
"well if I look for it and find it before you I shall put it in the bin"
AAAAaaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh. I can't believe I forgot my previous note to self.
Now whether my mother did actually follow her threat through and threw my mislaid items into the bin I can't recall (psychologicaly regressed it) but I did find Honors note book and gave it to her to make myself feel better.

Can't believe I said it!

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