Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Ingredient Nirvana

Went to a market today in the Cuauhtemoc part of the city, looking for ingredients not typically found in supermarkets and I was not disappointed.

A load of Chinese, Thai & even some Indian goodies purchased for future meals. I am a very happy chappy.

As ever, the experience was very photogenic and you can see the other snaps I took (mainly of Mexican foodstuffs) here.

Be warned it's not for the faint-hearted!

I love the fact that there are so many different types of chilli that you can buy, the choice is almost bewildering. Just as well I'm in no rush so. I counted over 20 at the stall, which also sold lots of different moles (mexican suace/gravy mixes: chocolate being the most well known) too.

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