Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Friends of Charley

Since 1997 we have had Rowing Camp here every summer with as many as 15 members of our Charley MacIntyre Rowing Club. After he died at age 85 almost 3 years ago, a few are still members of the club and still love to come here to row, do a little work, eat well and hang out. This year's small crew was these 3 women and one's 11 yo daughter. Not enough to get our quad out of the boathouse- good call considering the weather....wet and grey. This morning the water was flat and it wasn't raining so they were all out (me in the Dory with camera) here watching the harbor seals on the rocks across the bay. You can see 2 seals on a rock on the left and one head (baby?) swimming in between boat #1 and #2. I will get a better picture of the seals by myself, closeup. Soon.

Last night we had a fishing boat (friends of friends) staying at the dock, leaving early this am and tonight we're expecting the J40 sailboat back to be left here again. (Everyone is thinking it's summer! ha) And then H and I go back to Seattle tomorrow night for about a week. Whew.

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