Miss Liz Creates

By MissLizCreates


Today I went and did sea canoeing in and around 4 of the beautiful islands in the Phuket area. It is beautiful. Though I did not capture any with the correct date posted on the picture, this was the only one I had.

It was a great way to end my week. I was able to communicate with the Thai staff on the boat and got to know them all very very close. When I left, it felt like I was leaving family. It also was very confirming to me that my Thai language is progressing.

While on the trip, one of the Thai staff ended giving me a personal guided tour of all of the best spots on the islands. I even was given a personal guided tour in a cave that was filled with diamonds. You would shine your light (as it was pitch black) and everything gittered. It finally opened up to a lagoon, which was so beautiful. It was breathtaking.

O and I went to James Bond Island as well. It is where the movie "The Man with the Golden Gun" was filmed (I think in the 1970s)

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