Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem


I actually built this. With my own hands. In about ten minutes. So the story. I knew i was gonna be off my feet for a while after having an op. So i figured i would buy a model to build. I hate them plastic planes you can buy, what're they called "airfix" i think. So i found this. A VW camper van "Samba". It's metal and said skill level 2. I finally got round to building it yesterday. When i opened it there was about 15 parts. Not 1500, not 150, 15....just 15. The instuctions consisted of 6 steps. Really 6 whole steps. And this is skill level two. Man what is skill level one? 2 pieces? I mean i'm not a genius but i have to admit i was hoping for something a little more challenging.

That being said. I was impressed with the end result. I love Vdub campers. I really want to buy a real one....or grown up one as my wife would say. So i've looked online and I've found a one pretty much the same as the one you see above. The price....£17,000. Im happy to anounce that i am only £16,850 short. So i think my dream could come true some time around 2040. I can see me, my wife and son now. Sat on a secluded beach next to our Vdub "Samba van" cooking steak on an open fire. Strumming an acoustic guitar along to a Bob Dylan track. Waiting for the waves to get big enough for a good surf. Heaven

This is only my second attempt at editing, my darling brother (lovesnothing) put me on to a beginners editing programme to get me started so thanks to him. I know it might not be the best but i'm quite happy with it. Hope this gives you a little more of an insight into the Mysterious world of H.

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