Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Sheer Determination: Woman vs Bird

I bought my spiffy little Canon point and shoot with the thought that I would carry it about and try to capture some really cool photos. I love a challenge, sometimes, and this was a worthy challenge.

My family left me this morning to take Daughter to an orientation at the college she will attend in September. It has been dreadfully hot and humid, and I have been having a hard time breathing. The last thing I wanted to do was to spend the day in a hot vehicle, waiting around. So...

As I was on the front porch enjoying cooler temperatures after a (very unexpected) rainstorm, a hummingbird came to the feeder. And, the lightbulb went off in my head! I grabbed the Canon camera and decided to *try* to capture that little bugger!

Our hummingbirds here in the Bristolwood are 100% wild...they will shy away and if we so much as move on the porch while they are feeding, off they fly!

I wrapped my arm around an upright pole on the porch and stood as still as humanly possible...finally a little male came by. As soon as he realized I was there, he was off. I stood...seconds turning to minutes, and minutes to an hour! The little bird decided to come by again and allowed some snaps of the shutter before flying away.

I would have remained out there for awhile, had a mosquito not landed on me with the sole purpose of taking blood samples. Shortly after feeling that first prick, I retreated.

Argh...the bird wins!

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