The Homecoming

Grandpapa is home!

Where do I start? The tears have flowed, the adrenalin has been running high, we're exhausted, but we're here!!

First of all I'm delighted to be back because I've missed you all so much.
Secondly, I thank you all for your comments on my 365th. That was the hardest blip I've ever put on because I knew that GP was so ill, but I was determined to have my 'gold camera' celebration!
Thirdly, I could never have envisaged, 6 weeks ago, that we would be in such an emotional turmoil!
Fourthly, this is my therapy, and I'm going to 'blip' as much as I can. I'm crying as I write this, but, I promise that I won't write anything negative from this day forward.

GP is home now. He's starting radiotherapy
on Monday and we take each day as it comes. The prognosis isn't good, but the support I've had from my daughter, son, son-in-law and daughter-in -law, friends, neighbours and 'Blippers' has enabled me to carry on. We're now going to live a 'normal' life!!
The only thing I regret is missing so many 'Blip' anniversaries, but, now that I'm not hospital visiting for a while, I hope to catch up.

You are the most wonderful people.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. XX

Gill & Benny

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