
By Echo

"What a Day For Chester!"

Chester:- "My dad came out of hospital this morning and even joined Grandmama and I when we went for our walk. He sat on the promenade while I went on the beach and had a swim.
We then went home for their lunch.
He has brought loads and loads of boxes home but they didn't smell very appertising, though he keeps taking one from different boxes every now and again.
In the afternoon we had visitors who made a big fuss of me. I think they must like dogs as I had a good sniff and thought I detected a doggie scent.
The daughter (Mother of THE CHILDREN) arrived to see GP and brought some old pillows for Grandmama. One was left on the floor for a few minutes, so as I was feeling pretty exhausted after all the exercise and the excitement of having my Dad back, I decided to have a lie down.
I vaguely remember a voice saying something about a blip but I didn't open my eyes as it's a word I have heard a lot over the last twelve months."

Echo:_" I could not resist this picture he was so funny and has made this pillow his own.

GP. Looks remarkably well and is very philosophical about the rotten hand he has been dealt and is putting a very brave face on things.

Grandmama is hoping to post a blip.
It was lovely to see them both and the blooming mum -to -be."
Love M.

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