With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

A pirate?

Two years of continuous blipping, which I could never have managed without my ever patient subjects, including Mrs Pepperpot, now safely back in windy Britain, Little Agu, Ben and of course Suc the cat. Thanks all of you and everyone else who has posed for me. Thanks of course to mv for introducing me to Blip and encouraging me with useful tips and loans of laptops and software when I'm over in England. Inspirational Pedro!

I meant to have a bit more time getting a better shot for today, but I had more important stuff to do, catching up with a friend all morning in the Port. We watched the busy goings on in the boat yard, boys with very big toys there.

I finally had a little walk up in Fornalutx. This is looking down from behind the town into the valley, with Biniaraitx settling down below in the evening sunlight. Clanking of sheep bells, the smell of carob, the thousand different greens of the foliage, bright blue sky, and the tiny chime of the church bell below. You get the picture. Sorry it was black and white! Sometimes I like to try to find forms in the craggy rocks, which you can only do like this. Ben found a pirate in the peak opposite, and he chose todays shot, so that's why.

Thanks to Joe and all the team, this site never fails to delight me. I wish I could spend more time here. Thanks for looking and have a great day everyone.

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