Family 6

By meganrose

Whilst the Boys are Away

The babies will play.

Callum and Liam are on holiday with their Dad. The little two are busy making the most of being able to use the playstation whilst they are away.

Woke up this morning barely able to move - the weekend and this cold seem to have got the better of me.

Mum and Dad popped in, after we had made a mad dash to thegarden centre to buy their birthday presents. Mum turned 21 (Again) on Saturday, Dad's birthday today. We returned to the garden centre to help them spend the vouchers I had given them. As expected we came away with a some plants for our garden.

Oooh, I forgot, the second best thing I saw yesterday was my half built kitchen... the boy has done good. and managed to keep it a secret. I thinl I may just keep him for good.


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