Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

A Comfortable place for lunch and . . .

Last night, he told his wife "Oh, mowing can wait until tomorrow!"

Well, today, it's the nicest sprinkle of rain, just right to keep the dandelions and tender new blackberry shoots at their tastiest - and keep that blasted contraptioneer and his noisy mower away from our lunch!

Ohps! Wouldn't you know it! Here he comes poncing across the lawn behind his camera, saying "Hi, Deerie-deers!" and clicking that camera shutter like a mad-man!

Ignore him and maybe he'll lose interest! That's it! A little loo action will cause him to avert his eyes!

Ohps again! He's still clicking! I'll pretend not to notice!

Now, he's so close he can't get us both in the picture! He's put his camera down and he's reaching for me! He touched my ear and this is too much! If you're done with your drop, let's move to the blackberries across the lane. No poncing Blippers over there, only a crazy fellow who plays with rocks!


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