Spa day
No shortage of blips today, but this guy caught my attention more than the others. I love the texture and colours on his neck. He (or she) looks like he's just chilling out in a mud mask at the spa.
Spent the day in amongst wildlife, with a dawn hike along 'Pipeline Road' a famous bird-watching area. In amongst many bird related facts I learned today, I now know that Panama has more bird species than North America and Europe put together (apparently). Not sure we quite saw all of them today. Quite a few howler monkeys though - but I think the kids were most impressed with the ant motorways.
Our friendly turtle was blipped on the Panama Canal. In the middle section it goes through a lake with lots of islands perfect for touring in a little boat. The banks are rainforest to maintain the watercourses needed to fill the locks on the Canal. Lucky for the monkeys I guess.
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