Black and Yellow Fly
This morning I made cherry plum jam from some plums given to me by my daughter who has several trees producing these tiny plums in her garden.
I took several images today and after much deliberation I decided to blip this black and yellow fly, which was seen feeding on the buddlia bush. I had hoped for a butterfly, but saw only one which promptly flew away. I do not not know exactly what this fly is called, but if I find out I will post an update. I almost included a Common Red Soldier Beetle, but there were lots of those in the wild garden so further blip opportunites to be had, whilst I had not seen a fly like this one before.
Wednesday 20 July - update - This has been identified on iSPot as a hoverfly. It looks very different to what I thought a hoverfly looked, but the experts on iSpot have identified as such.
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