Endings and beginnings

Nearly time to say Adios to Nerja. Great place and nice folk.

Refreshingly breezy today- I was hunted by a feral lie-lo. Honestly it was sneaking up on me.

I killed it, deflated it and will mount it on my trophy wall.

I am in a reflective mood today. The end of a holiday always makes me like this.

It's good to go away and it's good to go home.

Life is all about balance I guess. I didn't use to like it when that was said, but I realised I mistook balance for compromise or moderation.
It's not. I think it's more to do with enjoying the opposites and recognising they are dependent on each other. Friday night needs Monday morning. Work needs the weekend. The Rhythm of Life.

And sobriety needs a beer!

I'm buying. See you in 10.


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