The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

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Gosh what a day!

I went to work at 7 this morning, but had to leave again at 8.30 as I had an appointment with a psychiatrist, who had been asked by the National Board of Work Related Injuries to make a psychiatric evaluation of me, in order to determine whether or not I have suffered permanente damage from the assault last year. Not exactly a nice morning - he poked some memories that I would rather put behind me. I guess the good news is that he didn't lock me up in a secure unit, so he must have thought that I was still kind of sane!

The appointment lasted 2 hours (!!!), so I was back at work just in time to go to the funeral - one of the residents died last Tuesday and was buried today. I spent the rest of my day at work with the resident's relatives.

After all of that, it was fantastic to come home to my boys and take them out for a good walk. And as the day had been sort of chaotic and hectic, I wanted my blip to be nice and neat, so here they are... the Hazyland boys on a neat line sorted by size :-).

I am off to a meeting soon - gosh I wish I could just have a restful evening at home.

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