Bit of a lemon of a day. Lots of last straws today, culminating in lots of filthy moods, shouting and fighting. From everyone to everyone. We sensibly all retreated hurt to our respective corners (Mr B to the site, me to sit right here at the computer furiously writing, and the kids to their rooms). Later there was mending of fences and discussing of wrongs to be righted and all is well. Until the next set of straws.
Rain on and off all day (on whenever I had just finished pegging out the washing and off whenever I had just finished hanging it all instead on the airer inside) didn't help. Now I have to go and wrap soggy tomato plants in plastic for the night (I think I might be getting obsessed with those tomatoes. You'll laugh when I tell you I loathe tomatoes and can't eat one without feeling sick. I know I do, laugh that is.)
Here are the soggy melon flowers on the first melon plant we bought. The second one is a Galia melon, but this one will have to be known forever as 'the first melon plant' because I can't remember its type. Hopefully if it ever gets any fruit, it will be obvious. The lady in the market who we bought the plug plant from confidently predicted melons to eat in August from it. At least I think that's what she said. Am I supposed to polinate them by hand or something? Because all we have is dozens of flowers and no fruit developing. Same with the aubergines. Actually the only plants looking chuffed about this rubbish cold (really really cold - I had to put a jumper on today) windy and rainy weather are the leeks, which are suddenly thriving. But all my shots of them were out of focus and rubbish (I'm not kneeling down on clay soil for arty shots of leeks. Not in my favourite jeans.)
Much fun this afternoon watching the Murdoch stuff from Parliament. Though I have to say I missed the shaving foam incident in full glory as I was sending an email to our electrician. Everyone seemed to be terribly keen to be seen to be cooperating fully by saying almost nothing. We were particularly impressed by James Murdoch's ability to compliment the quality of the question... and then answer a different one. He would make a fine politician...
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