
By CleanSteve


I visited Fletchy today in Somerset after a busy day involved in council meetings.

We have been friends for more than twenty years since we worked together in various guises in London. She cooked a smashing meal for her kids, Oscar and Barnaby, and me, and we had time to catch up, have a look at the films and websites she has been making recently. I hope I've picked up some tips. The finale was watching the ongoing 'Hacking' developments on Newsnight and others, wondering what the Parliamentary committees would expose tomorrow.

While she was serving up the food, Gellert looked in through the window and I took this photo. Helen was pleased with it, commenting that he normally hates being photographed and shies rapidly away from a camera. I subsequently found that she was right, as I took some more pictures of him when he came inside and I couldn't get another good picture.

He is a fine hound who seems to like me too.

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